I'm tired of drawing songs on empty pages
Sculpting obscure figures of porcelain,
Forget about my life,living for ages
It doesn't mean a thing...it's all in vain.
Whose mind used to be open to new things?
Whose love was everytime easy forgotten?
Should everybody have a power ring,
Whose evil lord by men and elfs is gotten?
What happened to the music we believed in?
Where are our idols?here we are,their fans.
Believing in a world that has no future,
Believing in some people with no plans.
joi, 21 ianuarie 2010
marți, 12 ianuarie 2010
When a girl is quiet,millions of things are running trough her mind.
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions she is wondering how long will you be around.
When a girl answers "i'm fine" after a few seconds then she's not at all fine.
When a girl stares at you she is wondering why are you lying.
When you smile at a girl and she smiles back,if she looks down she likes you.
When a girl says "i love you" she means it.
When a girl says "i miss you" no one in the world can miss you more than that.
Find a guy that calls you beautiful instead of hot.Who calls you back when you hang up on him.Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.Who turns to his friends and says "that's her!".
Wait for the right person to come up...don't be the girlfriend of any guy.'Cause there are a lot of good guys waiting for the right person too.
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions she is wondering how long will you be around.
When a girl answers "i'm fine" after a few seconds then she's not at all fine.
When a girl stares at you she is wondering why are you lying.
When you smile at a girl and she smiles back,if she looks down she likes you.
When a girl says "i love you" she means it.
When a girl says "i miss you" no one in the world can miss you more than that.
Find a guy that calls you beautiful instead of hot.Who calls you back when you hang up on him.Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.Who turns to his friends and says "that's her!".
Wait for the right person to come up...don't be the girlfriend of any guy.'Cause there are a lot of good guys waiting for the right person too.
duminică, 10 ianuarie 2010
Ia-ma in brate,tine-ma strans,mangaie-mi parul...tine-mi mainile reci in mainile tale calde.Saruta-ma...iubeste-ma....ramai langa mine...Lasa-ma sa adorm pe pieptul tau cald...lasa-ma sa-ti aud bataia inimii ca pe un cantec de leagan...Vreau sa iti simt privirea asupra mea cand ochii mei se odihnesc...vreau sa-ti simt trupul greu si bratele puternice...sa ma protejezi de oameni sireti,de minciuni si de intuneric,vreau sa ma aperi de furtuna si sa stai cu mine in ploaie...vreau sa te plimbi cu mine pe malul marii si sa simtim apa rece sub talpi...sa nu imi mai fie frica de nimic...vreau sa ma saruti din nou incet si tandru...vreau sa te iubesc...
Vise pierdute?Asta n-o sa se intample niciodata...
.jpg)
Stau,cu sufletul sfasiat,uzat,zdrobit
Cu inima in palmele-mi asprite,
Cu eterne-amintiri demult uitate,
Stau si astept finalul fericit.
Sunt goala intr-o era pustiita...
Imi simt umerii din ce in ce mai grei
Cant cantece de dor,dansez trezita
Dintr-un cosmar,din vise istovite.
Privesc cum ploaia cade pe pamant,
Atat de libera,pura si delicata
Eu merg pe ploaie in necunoscut
S-ajung oriunde...sa ma simt uitata.
Mi-am irosit si viata,mici cuvinte
Nu mai am vise,nici sperante,nici nu cred
Ca voi putea vreodata sa ma-ntorc
La ce a fost odata,inainte.
Sa lupt cu patima,sa-mi demonstrez c-as fi putut.
Epilog:Nu am de gand sa-mi scriu sfarsitul...Nu am de gand sa renunt la vise.Voi continua sa sper si sa lupt pana cand toate se vor implini.Asa ca nu incerca sa ma dobori.Iti pierzi timpul in zadar.
miercuri, 6 ianuarie 2010

De ce incerci sa-mi tai elanul?Sa ma faci sa cred ca-ti pasa cand defapt nu e adevarat.Sa ma ignori si sa ma faci sa sufar in zadar.De ce?Simt cum imi fuge pamantul de sub picioare,cum siroaie de lacrimi calde imi acopera obrajii reci,simt cum un fior rece imi trece pe sira spinarii si imi trezeste amintiri neplacute.Intorc privirea spre fulgii de nea care danseaza gratios in aer si imi amintesc de zambetul tau siret care la prima vedere pare atat de naiv...atat de inocent...de ochii tai dulci si calzi...de privirea patrunzatoare in spatele careia numai tu stii cate ganduri false se afla...de mirosul tau atragator care stii ca imi place dar imi e frica sa il inspir prea mult ca sa nu-mi otravesc plamanii cu un drog necunoscut...mai daunator decat tutunul...De tot ceea ce esti...de tine care ma faci sa plang,sa rad...si sa sufar,neputand sa-ti spun in fata adevarul.E mai usor sa te mint...e mai usor sa ma ascund si sa tac,sa plang in liniste,decat sa imi primesc doza de priviri dispretuitoare pe care nu le suport.
Inca incerc sa ma schimb...sa Te schimb...sa ma pacalesc pe mine insumi cu minciuni adevarate...sa-mi spun ca-ti pasa desi nu e asa...sa ma fac sa cred ca nu esti ceea ce esti...ca defapt mi se pare...ca faci asta doar ca cei din jur sa nu te vada cu adevarat...
Si imi dau seama ca atunci cand esti in fata mea...cand ma privesti cu cei mai frumosi ochi nu pot sa scot un cuvant...nu pot sa schitez decat zambete...indragostite...dar false...nu pot sa iti rezist...nu pot sa te refuz cand imi zambesti...siret ca intotdeauna.Nu pot sa-ti rezist cand ma saruti fara sa simti nimic...pentru ca desi ma faci sa inspir cel mai otravitor aer...acel aer e drogul meu...fara de care nu pot trai...de care cu fiecare zi devin din ce in ce mai dependenta...
marți, 5 ianuarie 2010
Pentru ca te iubesc...

Sa-ti simt privirea coborandu-mi spre suflet,
Sa-ti daruiesc cu dragoste un zambet.
Sa ma auzi soptindu-ti numele,alintul,
Sa simt cum printre plete-mi trece vantul.
Sa ma cutremur si sa-ti simt durerea,
Sa ard fiindca ma chinuie tacerea.
Sa-mi spui cu voce cald-a mea poveste,
Sa-ti spun:ca tine altul nu mai este.
Coboara-ma incet sa-ti simt caldura,
Si lasa-ma sa-ti port pe chip mirarea.
Cu mainile-ti fine si delicate,
Sa-mi zboare gandurile-n tari indepartate.
Cum nu ai mai iubit pe nimeni niciodata,
Sa-ti simt dragostea neadevarata.
Sa-ti soptesc tie acele doua cuvinte,
A ta voce balada sa imi cante,
Sa simt incet cum dragostea-mi patrunde,
Si-n cele mai indepartate ganduri.
Sa te iubesc,sa ma iubesti,sa-ti fie dor,
Sa simti in vene-al dragostei fior,
Macar odata....
Sa stii si tu ca te iubesc...
luni, 4 ianuarie 2010
You have it.Now you can hold it in your hands.You can feel it with your heart,you can see it with your eyes.You can taste it with your lips.You can hear its sound.You could crush it between your hands...but you wouldn t.You love it.Don t you?
My heart...my love,my life...you have it.And you keep it close to you...you hold it tight and you never let it go...isn t it beautiful?love?the way you feel about it....how you can t stay away from it...
My heart...my love,my life...you have it.And you keep it close to you...you hold it tight and you never let it go...isn t it beautiful?love?the way you feel about it....how you can t stay away from it...
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