joi, 12 noiembrie 2015


Silence, deafening silence.

The cold wind is coming in through a little crack in the window, along with a few snowflakes...
It's numbing. 

Why are we here? 

Who are you?

Why am I drawn to you?

You take my freezing hands into your palms and kiss them.
Why would you do that? I don't want you to kiss them...I don't want to be here with you. That's the thing. I don't want you, I shouldn't. I'm going to hurt you, it's what I do. But I guess it's too late now.

You look into my eyes and I get's your mind. It's your fucked up being.
I got lost somewhere along the way and I let myself fall...I couldn't control it.
I don't love you. I don't. I didn't fall for you. I don't know what happened. I just need...I need you. Somehow.

I feel shivers down my spine, while my eyes are still caught into yours.

You grab my chin.
Don't. Please don't. Don't kiss me...
My mind has never been so messed up. In contradiction with itself.

But you do. You kiss me.


And my mind flies lets go through space and time, stars and dust, light and darkness.
Good and evil.

If I were a caterpillar, this would be the moment I'd fly away. The moment my wings would take me away.

It's a wicked thing...

joi, 4 septembrie 2014


How can you explain lust?

Imagine if you didn't breathe because the air was poisonous.
But your lungs aren't aware of that and so they desperately seek for air...

Imagine if you were thirsty but you couldn't reach the glass of water.
Your mouth is desert dry,in need to quench its thirst...

Imagine if I was thirsty for you,If I couldn't breathe without your overwhelming touch...
I hear you whisper "Do you want me?"
I'm trying to tell you that I want you,I need you like the earth needs the sun.
But trough heavy breathing and blood rushing the only thing that comes out is "Yes?"
You come close to my year and whisper softly with a sensual tone "This is how much I want you"...

Exploring every inch of my body with your full,luscious lips.Climbing up and down my neck with your tongue then slowly biting it...You tease me,you excite me until both my body and my brain reach ecstasy,you drive me insane and you make me question my own powers.

Why can't I resist you?

luni, 10 octombrie 2011

Strange aia.
Da cu aspiratorul.
Sterge praful.
Spala vasele.
Strange-ti papucii de la usa.
Strange-ti prostiile de pe birou.

Mananca,ce-ai mancat azi?
De ce nu iei fier,vrei sa-ti fie iar rau?
Apuca-te de citit.
Invata pentru scoala de soferi.

De ce nu inveti?Ai bac!Ai mult de invatat!!!


a explodat si capul.

sâmbătă, 8 octombrie 2011

Rostesc..."Te iubesc!" si o aud inapoi de fiecare data ca un ecou.
Iti simt mainile in jurul meu,tinandu-ma mai strans si mai strans cu fiecare clipa si stiu;stiu ca nu-mi vei da niciodata drumul,ca ma vei tine intotdeauna langa tine.Si nu m-as fi gandit niciodata ca dragostea poate fi atat de frumoasa,atat de dulce,atat de perfec.....
Dar nu,fiindca nu e tot timpul perfecta.Pur si simplu nu poate fi,si daca ar ne-am plictisi imediat?Trebuie sa ma enervezi,sa ma faci sa te "urasc" pentru un moment,iar apoi,cand ma saruti parca imi trece tot.E atat de ti se pare?
Sunt momente grele,in care plang de nervi,sau pur si simplu pentru ca simt nevoia...dar daca nu am fi trecut prin momentele alea,poate nu am fi fost la fel de apropiati cum suntem.
Ma faci sa te iubesc,sa te ador,sa ma simt incredibil,imi dai energie,viata...
Si cand ma atingi...
Oh...cand ma atingi...
Sunt in extaz.Nu pot compara asta cu nimic din lume.Iti simt fiecare atingere atat de puternic...sau nu puternic...nici nu stiu cum sa iti explic.Pana in creier,in inima.In fiecare punct din corp.Si chiar asa e...chiar iti simt atingerea in tot corpul...dar ei poate ca nu inteleg asta pentru ca ei nu au ce avem nu cred ca vor avea vreodata.
Si ne invidiaza,poate nu o spun cu voce tare,dar se vede pe fetele lor.Insa au si de ce.Suntem noi..."Noi"...iar ei sunt doar vor sa fie ca noi,dar e imposibil pentru oricine altcineva sa ajunga la stadiul nostru,la gradul de iubire dintre noi...pentru ca e atat de multa,atat de multa incat uneori simt ca-mi vine sa explodez.Si incerc sa te iubesc cum pot mai mult si mai stiu ca reusesc...fiindca daca nu as reusi,nu am fi atat de fericiti...

"Esti cel mai bun lucru care mi s-a intamplat in viata"...mi-ai spus...
Nu exista ceva care te poate face sa fii mai fericit decat atunci cand auzi asta.

Si esti atat de dulce...mai dulce decat cea mai multa ciocolata din lume,mai dulce decat parca uneori simt nevoia sa-ti transmit dragostea care simt ca nu mai incape in trece din mine in tine ca printr-un fum colorat...e ciudat...dar e atat de frumos...atat de frumos incat nu mai am nevoie niciodata de altceva...
Si chiar asa e....cand sunt cu tine nu mai am nevoie de nimic...
Si te ma asta e tot ce vor sti ei...pentru ca ce am spus pana acum e o foarte mica parte din dragostea cealalta parte o stim doar o vom sti doar noi intotdeauna...

duminică, 21 martie 2010

Me,myself and I.

I'm the sea that shows you the meaning of the word infinity.I'm the sand that tickles your feet.I'm the song that you listen to each time you feel like the whole world crushes down.I'm the shoulder you cry on when you have no hope left.I'm the sound in your ears.I'm the music in your heart...the music you hate to hear because you are so in love with it.I'm a tear from your eyes.I'm the oxigen that runs trough your veins.I'm the Sun you love and you wait for every morning.I'm the sunset and sunrise you stay awake to see.I'm the night that hides you from the world.I'm the wind that clears your mind.I'm the rain that falls on your cheeks.I'm the ground under your feet.I'm the water that cleans your skin.I'm the ice that refreshes your body.I'm the fire that warms you up.I'm the smell you recognize everywhere...cinnamon,apples and mulled wine.I'm the delicate voice that comforts your soul.I'm the soft touch you love to feel.I'm the kiss you crave for every night.I'm me,myself and I.I'm everything you want.Anywhere and anytime you want me to be.

joi, 21 ianuarie 2010


I'm tired of drawing songs on empty pages
Sculpting obscure figures of porcelain,
Forget about my life,living for ages
It doesn't mean a's all in vain.

Whose mind used to be open to new things?
Whose love was everytime easy forgotten?
Should everybody have a power ring,
Whose evil lord by men and elfs is gotten?

What happened to the music we believed in?
Where are our idols?here we are,their fans.
Believing in a world that has no future,
Believing in some people with no plans.